If you operate a small hotel or motel, resort or rental cabin, bed and breakfast, restaurant, bar, small recreational facility, provincial park, campground or trailer park with six or more sites on a water service hook-up, communal cottage development with six or more private residences, hunting camps or marinas, places of worship, small airport, road-side garage, rural variety store, commercial centre that provide public washrooms, highway service center or service station, large commercial or industrial complexe, provincial prison or jail, town hall, small municipal community centre, sport and recreational facility, municipal tourist information centre, museum or library providing drinking water to the public from a well or cistern, then your system may be subject to O. Reg 319/08.
We can assist you with any of the following services:
– Full operation of your drinking water system
– Registration of your drinking water system
– Completion of your laboratory Service notification form
– Microbiological and chemical sampling and testing with our partner licensed accredited laboratory Maxxam Analytics
– Maintenance of your water treatment equipment
– Completion of operational checks
– Reporting of adverse test results and other problems related to improper disinfection to appropriate government organizations
– New installation or update to existing water treatment equipment such as softeners, Ultraviolet system, chlorine pumps, etc..
Tapped In ensures that its entire staff is kept abreast of changing regulations and is continually educating its staff to provide the best services as Drinking Water System Operators and Water Quality Analysts.
Contact us today at 416-480-6226 or 1-866-360-7390 to find out how we can be of assist you in the operation of your drinking water system.